녹내장 관리법 통해서 눈의 노화를 방지합시다

⦁ How to take care of your eyes The main cause of the increase in eye pressure is said to be the aging of the eyes. The aging of the eyes is not necessarily proportional to social age. This is because the symptoms of dry eye syndrome and dry eye syndrome are getting worse, and the aging of the eyes is increasing even at a young age. There is a big reason for the problem of presbyopia in teenagers, which is said to be the excessive use of electronic devices. Recently, as the whole nation has been using electronic devices such as smartphones indefinitely, a lot of fatigue accumulates in the eye muscles that focus on the focus. In addition, due to the habit of focusing on nearby objects for a long time, the eyelids become cloudy, causing the symptoms of dry eye syndrome. The problem is that the eyes age rapidly due to fatigue and dryness, which causes the eye pressure to rise. When the aging of the eyes begins, the fatigue and dryness due to the deterioration of the eye function become severe, and the eye pressure inevitably rises. In other words, it is very important to comprehensively manage the symptoms such as fatigue, dryness, and aging in order to prevent the rise of the eye pressure.Let’s prevent eye aging through glaucoma managementGlaucoma is an eye disease that causes problems such as vision loss due to abnormalities in the optic nerve of the eye. It is said that glaucoma is conditionally divided into chronic and acute. Chronic glaucoma, in which vision is gradually reduced due to decreased eye function, is more common in middle-aged and elderly people. Acute glaucoma is characterized by increased intraocular pressure, which compresses the optic nerve, resulting in simultaneous pain such as blindness and sudden loss of vision. Acute diseases can be treated relatively quickly due to symptoms immediately after onset, but they also occur in young people in their 20s and 30s, and the risk is higher because the cause of the sudden rise in intraocular pressure is often unclear. Given these facts, the key to preventing and treating acute glaucoma can be seen as a combination of eliminating the main causes of elevated intraocular pressure.